IST: 12/2/2024 9:58:25 PM

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लक्ष्य और दृष्टिकोण
अपने दृष्टिकोण, उत्पादकता और अपनी टीम के सदस्यों की क्षमता को बढ़ाने के लिए विज़न और लक्ष्यों की शक्ति को समझें और उनके साथ कैसे काम करें
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Grade 9
Get Access to NCERT books divided into Chapters for Easy of Use, along with Solved Questions, Guess Questions, Sample Papers, all on the go.
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Mind and Body
Learn from the world's leading trainer, daily sessions to generate positive energy and happiness using the ancient tradition of Yoga

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Early Years Learning

The Early Years, technically the most crucial set the tone and standard for learning for the rest of our lives. Learn from the experts, as we help you build and develop your listening, reading, writing and speaking skills inculcating self learning, and exploring attitude within you.

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English Grammar

No Language is complete without the correct knowledge of Grammar. Called Vyakaran in hindi, learn to speak, and write it RIGHT.. in an easy to understand funny manner

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English for Experts

Step up your game, Speak English like the English do. Taking Grammar, and Vocabulary to the next level, this course allows you to indulge in mindful activities at a professional level. Write your own content, be it trainings, or blogs, it will all seem easy to you.